Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Making Lifestyle Changes: Paleo Tea Time

As you know, I have switched to eating a Paleo diet as a way to manage my bipolar disorder without medication. I am happy to report that it is working really well, better than medication has in the past, but I will write more about that later. Today I want to write about what it is like to make a drastic lifestyle change and how you do that in the real world.

I had a few family members over today for a visit to see our new house. Typically this would be a coffee and cookies kind of event, but we can't eat or drink any of that anymore. So, all we had in the house was tea and Paleo food. I almost went out and bought cookies for the family, but they said they didn't really need them. Instead, as you can see from the photo, we had Paleo Tea Time and everyone really liked it.

So, I have proof, you can have a nice time and not eat bad food. Who knew?
Paleo Tea Time with kale chips! Photo by Jeff Norris

Actually, you can have all different things about your life that don't match the "norm" and still have a great time. If you need to do something to treat your illness, then do it, you can find ways to be with friends and family and still take care of yourself. 

If you are changing your lifestyle and it doesn't match with what most of your friends and family do, I have a few suggestions:

1. Simply tell them what the change is, but not in too much detail. You may have people who argue with you about if your plan is "correct," but don't argue, just let them know this is what you and your doctor have decided on and leave it at that.

2. When entertaining in your own home, do what is comfortable for you. Have food you can eat (and be mindful of other people's allergies and dietary choices). Or end your dinner parties at a certain time if you have a sleep schedule to keep.

3. When you are at someone else's house, bring your own food or whatever you need. Take a walk outside if you get anxious, leave on time to get to bed. Do what you need to do without making it a big deal for everyone else.

Overall, if we lead by example, making what we do easy and non-intrusive, no one will think twice about it. You may have a few people who just feel the need to criticize whatever your decision is, just steer clear of them or limit interactions to shorter time periods. Mostly everyone else will get used to you choices and care more about you than whatever seems "weird" to them.


Rev. Katie


  1. Good for you! I am so glad it is going well. I eat 'well' about 80% of the time, but have just been on a trip and boy oh boy it is hard to do that when you are at someone else's house, even if it is your own sister. And it is not the fault of the host but of me. Somehow I get into the 'ya, but I am on holidays' mode and stray just a bit from my 'good eating' and then figure, 'well, I've blown it now, why bother' and well then you know what happens next!
    I look forward to your continued reports. I can't take meds and so diet is one of my necessities.
    I do notice it helps to a certain extent, but when I hit a day when I feel wretched even if I have been eating properly, I usually say 'what the heck, I feel rotten anyways, may as well eat some junk, I won't even notice the difference'..... You probably know what I mean!

  2. Katie,
    This is another topic, but, I have nominated you for "The Leibster Blog Award", I hope you will accept.
    To learn more about it go to
    Wendy Love
